
Please download and complete the membership form below:

Membership Form
Conservative Club membership form
Application Form for Membership.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [832.6 KB]

The current annual subscription for a full member is £26.00 from

January 1st each year & (pro rata) each month after that.


Your membership subscription can be paid in the club at the bar.


Please see the table below:-

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Single £26 £25 £23 £22 £20 £18 £16 £14 £11 £11 £11 £10
Joint £40 £38 £36 £34 £32 £30 £28 £25 £22 £22 £22 £20


Rule Book £1.00 for first time members
Total £27.00 or £29.00 with an inter-affiliation card.
The Inter-affilliation card allows access to Conservative Clubs nationwide.